Gabriola Island Home Hospice Program
Caregiver Support, End of Life Care / Palliative Care, Home Health Care, Mental Health - Adult & Senior, and Seniors Services
Provided by People for a Healthy Community on Gabriola Society (PHC)
- Home Hospice Program: Provides compassionate home support to people and their circle of care who are experiencing end-of-life. Trained home hospice volunteers visit clients and their caregivers at home and provide: Companion visiting, Emotional support, Help with daily chores, Assistance in navigating services, Respite care and Bereavement support. The focus is on comfort, compassion and dignity, giving people who are dying the opportunity to stay at home, remain involved in their family and community for as long as possible.
- Caregiver Support & Companions in Grief: Free one-on-one emotional support and bi-weekly support groups, health care navigation support, and access to workshops for those who provide unpaid care and support to family and friends who are elderly, in poor health, living with a disability or experiencing other age-related challenges, and to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
- Community Visitor Program: A visitor program matching a client and a trained volunteer to visit in the client's home. Volunteers can visit people who are not in the hospice program and who would enjoy a visit. Individuals can refer themselves or other people can refer them with permission of the individual.
Public email:
#325, 675 North Road, Gabriola Island, British Columbia, V0R 1X3
250-268-8765 (Caregiver Support & Companions in Grief)
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by People for a Healthy Community on Gabriola Society (PHC):
Just the closest matches listed. Click to see more!- Caregiver Support & Companions in Grief
- Stepping Up, Stepping Out and Seniors Day Programs - Gabriola Island
- Seniors' Community Connector - Social Prescribing Program - Gabriola Island
Service area: Gabriola Island
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided 1:1 in-person
- Provided in a group in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.